******************************************************************************************************** .................................................Ships.................................................. ******************************************************************************************************** 0 Shuttlecraft (Bofors) Deployment: General ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== SHUTTLECRAFT The Shuttlecraft is carried onboard all of the other ship types, and is used in emergency situations. More than a simple escape pod, the Shuttlecraft is fast and has a short range transporter. Shuttlecraft cannot be configured with a Transwarp Drive. : Max Holds: 5 Start Holds: 5 Max Shields: 100 Hold Value: 19600 Turns/Warp: 2 XPort Range: 2 Mines: 0 Mine Disrpt: 0 Drive Value: 19600 Max Figs: 1000 Figs / Wave: 10 Off Odds: 1 Def Odds: 1 Comp Value: 19600 Photon Miss: 0 EtherProbes: 0 Beacons: 0 Cloaks: 0 Hull Value: 19600 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 0 Atomic Dets: 0 Corbomite: 100 Total Price: 78400 DensityScan HoloScan !Transwarp !PlanetScan !Interdictor CanLand !CombatScan !FusionDrive !Pirate !HasPod IsPod !Guardian !ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Vector Patrol (High Velocity Ltd) Deployment: General ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== VECTOR PATROL The Vector Patrol is small, fast, and capable. It carries a short range Transwarp Drive, 10,000 K3-A Fighters, and 100 Ether Probes. The Vector's speed gives it terrific offensive combat odds. : Max Holds: 30 Start Holds: 30 Max Shields: 1000 Hold Value: 24500 Turns/Warp: 1 XPort Range: 4 Mines: 25 Mine Disrpt: 5 Drive Value: 24500 Max Figs: 10000 Figs / Wave: 2000 Off Odds: 2.5 Def Odds: 1.5 Comp Value: 24500 Photon Miss: 0 EtherProbes: 100 Beacons: 150 Cloaks: 5 Hull Value: 24500 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 0 Atomic Dets: 2 Corbomite: 300 Total Price: 98000 DensityScan HoloScan Transwarp PlanetScan !Interdictor CanLand !CombatScan FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian !ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Star Trader (Mainstay Ltd) Deployment: General ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== STAR TRADER The Star Trader is a multipurpose starter ship with tremendous flexibility. It can use most of the equipment available at the Stellar Hardware Emporium, is relatively fast, and has decent Transwarp and Transporter range. : Max Holds: 90 Start Holds: 65 Max Shields: 1000 Hold Value: 26000 Turns/Warp: 2 XPort Range: 7 Mines: 10 Mine Disrpt: 5 Drive Value: 26000 Max Figs: 5000 Figs / Wave: 1000 Off Odds: 1.3 Def Odds: 1 Comp Value: 26000 Photon Miss: 0 EtherProbes: 10 Beacons: 10 Cloaks: 20 Hull Value: 26000 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 1 Atomic Dets: 2 Corbomite: 500 Total Price: 104000 DensityScan HoloScan Transwarp PlanetScan !Interdictor CanLand !CombatScan !FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian !ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Nebula Freighter (Antarian) Deployment: General ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== NEBULA FREIGHTER The Nebula Freighter carries more cargo holds and fighters than the Star Trader, but it is a bit slower. Nebulas carry more Genesis Torpedos than any other ship. : Max Holds: 120 Start Holds: 100 Max Shields: 2000 Hold Value: 57000 Turns/Warp: 3 XPort Range: 5 Mines: 10 Mine Disrpt: 5 Drive Value: 57000 Max Figs: 10000 Figs / Wave: 3000 Off Odds: 1.2 Def Odds: 1 Comp Value: 57000 Photon Miss: 0 EtherProbes: 10 Beacons: 10 Cloaks: 5 Hull Value: 57000 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 20 Atomic Dets: 20 Corbomite: 750 Total Price: 228000 DensityScan HoloScan Transwarp PlanetScan !Interdictor CanLand !CombatScan !FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian !ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Galaxy Transport (Bitubo) Deployment: General ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== GALAXY TRANSPORT The Galaxy Transport has an excellent Transwarp Drive range for a bargain basement price. Galaxies are sometimes involved in illegal activities, and they are sometimes destroyed for their cargo holds. : Max Holds: 150 Start Holds: 150 Max Shields: 2000 Hold Value: 39500 Turns/Warp: 4 XPort Range: 7 Mines: 10 Mine Disrpt: 5 Drive Value: 39500 Max Figs: 15000 Figs / Wave: 5000 Off Odds: 1.1 Def Odds: 1 Comp Value: 39500 Photon Miss: 0 EtherProbes: 10 Beacons: 10 Cloaks: 5 Hull Value: 39500 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 2 Atomic Dets: 5 Corbomite: 1000 Total Price: 158000 DensityScan HoloScan Transwarp PlanetScan !Interdictor CanLand !CombatScan !FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian !ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 S.S.Mule (Taurean) Deployment: General ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== TAUREAN S.S.MULE The S.S.Mule is a fascinating example of Taurean single-mindedness. The Mule was created to move a large amount of goods at incredibly high speed. This ship has matched the Vector Patrol in open space speed trials, and carries far more cargo than any other ship. However, the Taureans made no allowance for non-essential equipment, so owners of this vessel don't spend much time in the Hardware Emporium. Besides cargo holds, the Mule carries a small complement of fighters, a holographic scanner for navigation, and a Shuttle- craft for emergency evacuations. Due to the limitations of it's design, the Mule cannot land on planets, and it's ship transporter can only beam intra- sector. Mules are constantly implicated in illegal activities. : Max Holds: 250 Start Holds: 50 Max Shields: 0 Hold Value: 408500 Turns/Warp: 1 XPort Range: 0 Mines: 0 Mine Disrpt: 0 Drive Value: 408500 Max Figs: 1000 Figs / Wave: 100 Off Odds: 0.5 Def Odds: 0.5 Comp Value: 408500 Photon Miss: 0 EtherProbes: 0 Beacons: 0 Cloaks: 0 Hull Value: 408500 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 0 Atomic Dets: 0 Corbomite: 0 Total Price: 1634000 DensityScan HoloScan !Transwarp !PlanetScan !Interdictor !CanLand !CombatScan FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian !ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Cryogen Express (Martin Ind) Deployment: General ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== CRYOGEN EXPRESS The Cryogen Express was adapted by the Federation from the Galaxy Transport in an effort to efficiently move colonists between planetary systems in a state of Cryogenic Suspended Animation. It is slightly faster than it's predecessor, but cannot carry as much additional equipment. This ship is available only to Federation commissioned traders, pending declassification of the technology. : Max Holds: 150 Start Holds: 100 Max Shields: 2000 Hold Value: 104000 Turns/Warp: 3 XPort Range: 5 Mines: 5 Mine Disrpt: 0 Drive Value: 104000 Max Figs: 5000 Figs / Wave: 1000 Off Odds: 1 Def Odds: 0.5 Comp Value: 104000 Photon Miss: 0 EtherProbes: 5 Beacons: 5 Cloaks: 5 Hull Value: 104000 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 1 Atomic Dets: 2 Corbomite: 500 Total Price: 416000 DensityScan HoloScan Transwarp PlanetScan !Interdictor CanLand !CombatScan FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Fleet Command (Axis Industries) Deployment: General ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== FLEET COMMAND The Fleet Command Ship is a stunning combination of speed, cargo capacity, and firepower. In order to enhance the prestige of the line and maintain high margins, the manufacturer restricts purchases of this vessel to corporate CEOs. : Max Holds: 125 Start Holds: 50 Max Shields: 3000 Hold Value: 300000 Turns/Warp: 2 XPort Range: 10 Mines: 25 Mine Disrpt: 5 Drive Value: 300000 Max Figs: 40000 Figs / Wave: 10000 Off Odds: 1.8 Def Odds: 1.5 Comp Value: 300000 Photon Miss: 0 EtherProbes: 25 Beacons: 25 Cloaks: 5 Hull Value: 300000 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 3 Atomic Dets: 10 Corbomite: 750 Total Price: 1200000 DensityScan HoloScan Transwarp PlanetScan !Interdictor CanLand !CombatScan FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian !ReqCommish ReqCorp ReqCEO !Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Orbital Command (Axis Industries) Deployment: General ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ORBITAL COMMAND The Orbital Command Station was designed to defend populated star systems from acts of aggression by hostile forces. While supporting affiliated planets, it can withstand tremendous damage. Command Stations come equipped with extremely long range transporters, enabling hassle-free trips to outlying corporate centers. Orbital Command Stations are far too large to land on planets, but they can be equipped with Ultra Heavy Duty Transwarp drives. Only corporate CEOs are entrusted with the responsibility of commanding these Stations. : Max Holds: 250 Start Holds: 100 Max Shields: 0 Hold Value: 1910000 Turns/Warp: 20 XPort Range: 30 Mines: 100 Mine Disrpt: 10 Drive Value: 1910000 Max Figs: 250000 Figs / Wave: 40000 Off Odds: 0.7 Def Odds: 0.7 Comp Value: 1910000 Photon Miss: 0 EtherProbes: 25 Beacons: 50 Cloaks: 5 Hull Value: 1910000 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 5 Atomic Dets: 0 Corbomite: 3000 Total Price: 7640000 DensityScan HoloScan Transwarp PlanetScan Interdictor !CanLand !CombatScan !FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod Guardian !ReqCommish ReqCorp ReqCEO !Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Missile Cruiser (AldenShrike) Deployment: General ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== MISSILE CRUISER The Missile Cruiser is one of the most powerful ships in the universe, and it is available to anyone who can afford it. Corporations engaged in frequent conflict would be well advised to purchase a few of these ships for their fleet. Cruisers can be equipped with up to 10 deadly Photon Missiles. : Max Holds: 75 Start Holds: 30 Max Shields: 2000 Hold Value: 438000 Turns/Warp: 3 XPort Range: 5 Mines: 25 Mine Disrpt: 10 Drive Value: 438000 Max Figs: 50000 Figs / Wave: 10000 Off Odds: 1.6 Def Odds: 1.4 Comp Value: 438000 Photon Miss: 10 EtherProbes: 10 Beacons: 50 Cloaks: 5 Hull Value: 438000 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 1 Atomic Dets: 5 Corbomite: 750 Total Price: 1752000 DensityScan HoloScan Transwarp PlanetScan !Interdictor CanLand CombatScan FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian !ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Destroyer (Corellian) Deployment: General ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== CORELLIAN DESTROYER Destroyers are mid-sized combat vessels with good speed and very high combat efficiency ratings. They are the primary ships used for mine warfare. : Max Holds: 75 Start Holds: 40 Max Shields: 4000 Hold Value: 470000 Turns/Warp: 3 XPort Range: 7 Mines: 250 Mine Disrpt: 40 Drive Value: 470000 Max Figs: 75000 Figs / Wave: 25000 Off Odds: 1.8 Def Odds: 1.6 Comp Value: 470000 Photon Miss: 0 EtherProbes: 25 Beacons: 100 Cloaks: 5 Hull Value: 470000 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 2 Atomic Dets: 5 Corbomite: 1250 Total Price: 1880000 DensityScan HoloScan Transwarp PlanetScan !Interdictor CanLand CombatScan FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian !ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Battleship (Corellian) Deployment: General ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== CORELLIAN BATTLESHIP Battleships are large combat vessels, which make use of nearly every tactical capability used in modern conflict. A typical attack by a Battleship might include Photon Missile fire, precision attacks directed by combat scanners, and interdiction of fleeing vessels. : Max Holds: 100 Start Holds: 50 Max Shields: 5000 Hold Value: 547000 Turns/Warp: 4 XPort Range: 10 Mines: 100 Mine Disrpt: 10 Drive Value: 547000 Max Figs: 100000 Figs / Wave: 25000 Off Odds: 1.6 Def Odds: 1.4 Comp Value: 547000 Photon Miss: 2 EtherProbes: 25 Beacons: 50 Cloaks: 5 Hull Value: 547000 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 2 Atomic Dets: 10 Corbomite: 1500 Total Price: 2188000 DensityScan HoloScan Transwarp PlanetScan Interdictor CanLand CombatScan FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian !ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Valiant StarShip (Markham Space Tech) Deployment: General ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== VALIANT STARSHIP The Federation derived the Valiant Starship from the popular Vector Patrol scout ship, and enhanced it with additional cargo and fighter capacity. Other improvements include capacity for a Genesis Torpedo, longer range transporter, combat scanner, and an increased defensive combat rating. This small ship can truly do it all. Available only to Federation commissioned traders. : Max Holds: 60 Start Holds: 60 Max Shields: 1000 Hold Value: 81000 Turns/Warp: 1 XPort Range: 9 Mines: 25 Mine Disrpt: 5 Drive Value: 81000 Max Figs: 20000 Figs / Wave: 5000 Off Odds: 2.5 Def Odds: 2.3 Comp Value: 81000 Photon Miss: 1 EtherProbes: 100 Beacons: 150 Cloaks: 5 Hull Value: 81000 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 1 Atomic Dets: 5 Corbomite: 500 Total Price: 324000 DensityScan HoloScan Transwarp PlanetScan !Interdictor CanLand CombatScan FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Intrepid StarShip (Markham Space Tech) Deployment: General ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== INTREPID STARSHIP Based on the Star Trader platform, the Intrepid Starship boasts a 75% greater combat efficiency. Other improvements include much greater fighter capacity and dual Photon Missile tubes. Available only to Federation commissioned traders. : Max Holds: 100 Start Holds: 100 Max Shields: 2000 Hold Value: 368000 Turns/Warp: 2 XPort Range: 12 Mines: 50 Mine Disrpt: 5 Drive Value: 368000 Max Figs: 50000 Figs / Wave: 15000 Off Odds: 2.3 Def Odds: 2.1 Comp Value: 368000 Photon Miss: 2 EtherProbes: 25 Beacons: 100 Cloaks: 5 Hull Value: 368000 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 2 Atomic Dets: 5 Corbomite: 1000 Total Price: 1472000 DensityScan HoloScan Transwarp PlanetScan !Interdictor CanLand CombatScan FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Dauntless StarShip (Markham Space Tech) Deployment: General ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== DAUNTLESS STARSHIP The Dauntless Starship was designed by Federation Shipbuilding to answer the challenge posed by the commercially available Corellian Battleship. The Dauntless was the first Federation ship to make use of Interdictor technology. Available only to -experienced- Federation commissioned traders. : Max Holds: 120 Start Holds: 120 Max Shields: 5000 Hold Value: 685000 Turns/Warp: 3 XPort Range: 15 Mines: 100 Mine Disrpt: 10 Drive Value: 685000 Max Figs: 80000 Figs / Wave: 25000 Off Odds: 2.1 Def Odds: 1.9 Comp Value: 685000 Photon Miss: 5 EtherProbes: 50 Beacons: 150 Cloaks: 5 Hull Value: 685000 XP Needed: 1024 Gen Torps: 3 Atomic Dets: 10 Corbomite: 1750 Total Price: 2740000 DensityScan HoloScan Transwarp PlanetScan Interdictor CanLand CombatScan FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 Excelsior StarShip (Markham Space Tech) Deployment: General ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== EXCELSIOR STARSHIP The Excelsior Starship is the crown jewel of the Federation Fleet. Excelsiors are capable of defeating the larger Assault Carriers, while using only 75% of the fighters. Added to this dominant level of firepower are 10 Photon Missile tubes and an Interdictor Generator, Available only to -highly experienced- Federation commissioned traders. : Max Holds: 150 Start Holds: 150 Max Shields: 7500 Hold Value: 853000 Turns/Warp: 4 XPort Range: 20 Mines: 100 Mine Disrpt: 10 Drive Value: 853000 Max Figs: 120000 Figs / Wave: 40000 Off Odds: 1.9 Def Odds: 1.7 Comp Value: 853000 Photon Miss: 10 EtherProbes: 50 Beacons: 150 Cloaks: 5 Hull Value: 853000 XP Needed: 4096 Gen Torps: 3 Atomic Dets: 10 Corbomite: 2500 Total Price: 3412000 DensityScan HoloScan Transwarp PlanetScan Interdictor CanLand CombatScan FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Assault Carrier (Markham Space Tech) Deployment: General ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ASSAULT CARRIER Assault Carriers are arguably the most powerful ship today. No vessel can deliver more firepower at once than the Assault Carrier, though it is somewhat inefficient compared to smaller vessels. Despite the lack of advanced technology that Federation vessels possess, the Assault Carrier is still a force to be reckoned with. : Max Holds: 120 Start Holds: 75 Max Shields: 10000 Hold Value: 785000 Turns/Warp: 6 XPort Range: 15 Mines: 100 Mine Disrpt: 10 Drive Value: 785000 Max Figs: 150000 Figs / Wave: 60000 Off Odds: 1.5 Def Odds: 1.3 Comp Value: 785000 Photon Miss: 0 EtherProbes: 25 Beacons: 50 Cloaks: 5 Hull Value: 785000 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 3 Atomic Dets: 10 Corbomite: 2500 Total Price: 3140000 DensityScan HoloScan Transwarp PlanetScan Interdictor CanLand CombatScan !FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian !ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Assault Trader (~BFerrengi) Deployment: Used by alien race Ferrengi This craft has been identified as the Ferrengi's primary scouting vessel. It does carry sufficient firepower to pose a threat to some of the smaller Federation-design warcraft though. The Ferrengi seem to excel in developing drive systems and the Assault Trader makes this readily apparent in its high speed and agility. One craft by it's self can be handled, but be warned that they prefer to travel in convoys. : Max Holds: 50 Start Holds: 12 Max Shields: 200 Hold Value: 6000 Turns/Warp: 2 XPort Range: 0 Mines: 10 Mine Disrpt: 10 Drive Value: 1500 Max Figs: 3000 Figs / Wave: 1000 Off Odds: 1 Def Odds: 1 Comp Value: 16400 Photon Miss: 0 EtherProbes: 25 Beacons: 5 Cloaks: 5 Hull Value: 8000 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 0 Atomic Dets: 5 Corbomite: 1500 Total Price: 31900 DensityScan HoloScan !Transwarp !PlanetScan !Interdictor CanLand !CombatScan !FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian !ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 Battle Cruiser (~BFerrengi) Deployment: Used by alien race Ferrengi One of these warships was recently sighted off the Antarian Nebulae. This craft was unknown to the Federation until a hapless materials transport warping from the StarDock to a Federation Outpost was set upon by a pair of these. The crew managed to return the above info before contact was lost with them. From the debris left in the area, it would appear that these ships pack a powerful punch. No escape pod made if off the 'Sport to provide further details. : Max Holds: 75 Start Holds: 16 Max Shields: 800 Hold Value: 8000 Turns/Warp: 3 XPort Range: 2 Mines: 25 Mine Disrpt: 10 Drive Value: 3000 Max Figs: 8000 Figs / Wave: 2000 Off Odds: 1.2 Def Odds: 1.2 Comp Value: 40600 Photon Miss: 0 EtherProbes: 25 Beacons: 15 Cloaks: 5 Hull Value: 15500 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 3 Atomic Dets: 5 Corbomite: 1500 Total Price: 67100 DensityScan HoloScan !Transwarp !PlanetScan !Interdictor CanLand !CombatScan !FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian !ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 Dreadnought (~BFerrengi) Deployment: Used by alien race Ferrengi The U.S.S. Constellation was destroyed recently when it was engaged by this new class of Ferrengi vessel. The craft dropped out of a cloaked mode and attacked the Constellation before they even had a chance to raise their shields or return fire. All commissioned StarShip Captains have been notified that the appearance of one of these weapons of Destruction is a Priority Red demand for assistance. Civilians with appropriate defenses have also been asked to aid in the defense against these powerful ships. : Max Holds: 100 Start Holds: 20 Max Shields: 1000 Hold Value: 10000 Turns/Warp: 4 XPort Range: 5 Mines: 50 Mine Disrpt: 10 Drive Value: 10000 Max Figs: 15000 Figs / Wave: 5000 Off Odds: 1.4 Def Odds: 1.4 Comp Value: 94000 Photon Miss: 1 EtherProbes: 25 Beacons: 25 Cloaks: 5 Hull Value: 25000 XP Needed: 0 Gen Torps: 6 Atomic Dets: 5 Corbomite: 1500 Total Price: 139000 DensityScan HoloScan !Transwarp PlanetScan !Interdictor CanLand !CombatScan FusionDrive !Pirate HasPod !IsPod !Guardian !ReqCommish !ReqCorp !ReqCEO Exchangable Functional !Unique Available Active --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------